The terms laid out in this agreement explain the end users rights while on User share adhere to the following terms, and by checking the said box you agree in full with the UCC of the STATE OF CALIFORNIA.
A. User may not at anytime confuse its role as a common law citizen living in the united states of america, and therefor maintains the right to his or her right to free speech. At no time does the provider, MENDO MATÉ, LLC. commit to the authority or jurisdiction to decide what or how the user can express thier idea of what free speech is. Thus forth under the authority of the UCC does reserve the right to cease user access and or service at anytime. This includes internet service provider address (IP Address) and other means available in an attempt to stop user abuse.
B. User may access at anytime within the time of any Earth day from any available access point via any available hardware said user sees fit to use. User agrees that does not gaurentee this access under threat from GOVERNMENT, INSTITUTION and or other entity that may threaten access at any time.
C. User agrees to the terms of this agreement with and agrees and understand that these terms may and or shall change at any time with out prior notice.
D. User agrees and understand that service may cease and or stop at anytime because of any reason that MENDO MATÉ, LLC. sees fit with out any notice. E. User understands and agrees to follow their free will and creativity while on