Mendo Maté® Available Payment Methods Bitcoin, Litecoin & Feathercoin

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Mendo Maté® accepts a wide range of payment methods including 3 types of crypto-currency. Our top priority is to make the process of purchasing organic yerba maté, coffee, herbs and spices. Included in our payment methods are your traditional payments processors such as visa, mastercard, paypal and check.

Crypto-currency is a cutting edge experimental proof of work that was created in Satoshi Nakamoto Tue 24 Mar 2009 11:33:15 CDT See attached white paper below. In bitcoins case the proof of work resulting from mining is a currency. Many avangard proof of work concepts are being experimented with such as autonomous DAC corporations using very similar methods of security measured results. Bitcoins allow 2 parties to send and receive this unit of measure using the bitcoin network protocol as the 3rd party verifying the transaction in the block-chain. Like any transaction with cash there is a level of risk for both parties. Bitcoin allows for this transaction to be processed in the block-chain verified by the global community and then a public permanent ledger (block-chain) is a result.

Litecoin and Feathercoin are based on the same white paper but use the scrypt algorithm allowing for faster transaction and cpu mining.


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