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Aloha DOC Supporters-
Defend Oahu Coalition Urges Public to Comment on Proposed Turtle Bay Expansion Draft SEIS
On November 23, 2012 – Kahuku, HI – A 45-day public comment period on a draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) has started, continuing a decades-old struggle over the proposed expansion at Turtle Bay Resort on one of Oahu’s last remaining unspoiled coast lines. Anyone can participate in the process and Defend Oahu Coalition is encouraging everyone to do so. DOC has long opposed the expansion project and has worked tirelessly over the last seven years to ‘Keep the Country Country!” and protect lands in Ko’olauloa and the North Shore from the dangerous effects of large-scale development. We also advocate for rural conservation, agricultural sustainability, cultural preservation and coastal protection for these North Shore lands.
The SEIS was ordered to be completed by a Hawaii Supreme Court ruling in 2010 which emphasized new environmental laws and concerns emerging from the now-infamous 1986 unilateral agreement, which set into motion the possibility for massive development on this beautiful and sacred land. Developers at Turtle Bay must respond to all comments and additional studies may result before the final SEIS is submitted. After the 45-day comment period, additional studies may be completed and the final SEIS will be drafted and submitted to the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) for final approval. If the DPP gives final approval of the SEIS, their determination may also be challenged in court. The draft SEIS can be viewed at:http://oeqc.doh.hawaii.gov/Shared%20Documents/EA_and_EIS_Online_Library/Oahu/2010s/2012-11-23-DSEIS-for-Turtle-Bay-Resort-Expansion-Volumes-1-4-5C.pdf .
Public comments are important to the SEIS process because the resulting plan will be based on a clear analysis of how the development will impact the surrounding communities and the environment. The public is asked to consider the following topics when submitting comments to the SEIS: archaeology, kupuna `iwi, culture, socio economic impacts, ocean and marine biology, flora and fauna, traffic, air quality, visual impact, infrastructure, ahupua‘a system, open space, parks & recreation, water management plan, agriculture and sustainability. Comments can be submitted by email: oeqchawaii@doh.hawaii.gov or visitinghttp://turtlebayseis.com/seis/submitting-an-seis-comment/
In order to “Keep the Country Country” and keep Turtle Bay Resort “True Hawai’i”, public involvement is necessary. Defend Oahu Coalition thanks you for your support and for taking action to save this treasure for future generations. For more information visit: www.defendoahucoalition.org orhttp://www.facebook.com/DefendOahuCoalition