How To Drink Organic Yerba Maté Using A Saucepan, Pot or Stockpot

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To make organic yerba maté in a saucepan, pot or stockpot. Use the following steps.

  1. Take your saucepan and add fresh clean drinking water.
  2. Place your saucepan over a heat source such as a gas stove, electric stove, or fire place.
  3. Heat your water to 150°F and add your favorite blend of organic yerba maté to the heated fresh water.
  4. Trun off your heat source or remove the saucepan from the burner.
  5. Let the organic yerba maté tea steep for 3 minutes.
  6. Add 1 cup of fresh clean drinking water at room temperature to your steeped organic yerba maté tea.
  7. Wait 1 minute while the organic yerba maté tea drops to the bottom of the saucepan.
  8. Serve by pouring your tea into another smaller container to straight into your tea cup or mug.

Notes: Adding the cold water changes the thermal dynamics of the hot water and drops all or most of the solids in the saucepan to the bottom acting as a natural filter.