Map Of Yerba Maté Farming & Production In South America

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This map of South America details the general geographic regions of yerba maté cultivation. Included is wild yerba maté and domestic cultivation of yerba maté Ilex paraguariensis  in South America. The yerba maté plant grows best in subtropical environments of Northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and parts of Southern Brazil. Each region has developed different "methods" or styles of growing, curing and marketing yerba maté.

Mendo Maté yerba maté is grown, cured and packaged in Northern Argentina where the unsmoked or cured method is deployed. Using large drying sheds the yerba is allowed to cure over a set of time without smoke or heat from a fire.

Map of South America details the general geographic regions of yerba maté cultivation.

In this map we have en-circled the basic location of most of if not all the yerba maté production at this time in the world. Yerba maté needs a warm sub-tropical climate to thrive and produce the green elliptical leaves that make up this powerful stimulant.